Work for the Upcoming Weeks

Work for the Upcoming Weeks

Packages will go home today with some literacy, math and science to work on over the extended break.

-Graphing Unit – posted on Google Classroom
Please take a moment to review the slideshows and complete the different graphs. Students will be bringing home a notebook full of graph paper. The only supplies they will need from home will be a ruler and pencil.

-Review – Fractions, decimals, percent
This unit is very prominent throughout the grade 6 curriculum. I have included some sheets for students to review, practice and master these concepts!

-Living Wax Museum Biography Assignment – this assignment is posted on both the Google Classroom and the blog Please continue to follow the timelines. Share your rough draft with me on Google Drive and I will add comments and suggestions on the doc electronically.
-spelling activities
-Paragraph of the Week (students will write a paragraph on the topic provided). They will brainstorm, plan, and write the paragraphs.

Please complete the pages on flight. Students will need to use their inquiry skills to research the answers. “The Properties of Air” diagram can be found on Google Classroom “Flight Lesson 2”

Please feel free to contact me through the Remind App if you have any questions about this work. Don’t forget to read!

Mrs. Strampel

March Class Calendar

Please find below our class calendar for March! It will be posted in the Calendars and Newsletters section of this blog as well as in Google Classroom. Students will take a paper copy home today as well.

Please note that we may have to add or make some changes to the calendar.

Looking forward to a wonderful March!

🙂 Mrs. Strampel


February Update

Wow! What a busy month January has been!

February is almost here! Below, you will find a class calendar for February. You will also be able to find this calendar in the Calendars and Newsletters section of this blog, as well as in the Google Classroom. Students will be given a paper copy of the February class calendar to take home on Tuesday.


Please keep reading below for a quick summary of what we will be working on in February!


We will continue to work on our geometry unit, focusing on transformations (translations, reflections, rotations). We will also look at rotational symmetry. We began plotting coordinate pairs on the Cartesian plane last week, and students have done very well grasping concepts taught thus far! After this, we will study patterning. We will look at the recursive pattern rule, explicit pattern rule, as well as extending and creating geometric patterns using algebra tiles and position cards. Students will use the explicit pattern rule to find the value of any term in multiplicative and composite patterns.


A major focus for our class in reading this month will be to read short texts and answer questions using specific examples from the text to justify our answers. One method we will use as a class is to use highlighters and highlight exactly what the question is asking. In the same colour of highlighter, we will look through the text and highlight evidence from the text that answers exactly what they question is asking for. We will then incorporate the specific proof from the text using the Answer Sandwich format. This will allow us to ensure that we are answering the question being asked and provide proof to support our answers.

We will also continue our class novel, The Breadwinner. We have been examining the struggles and bravery of a young girl living in Kabul, Afghanistan.

In writing, we will continue to work on proper paragraph structure and editing. Students will also begin to research a person of their choosing who has made the world a better place. They will use their research notes to write the biography of their chosen person. The biography writing will continue throughout March as well.

In media literacy, we will begin our study of the Kindness Diaries. We will meet an incredible person, Leon Logothetis, who has given up his career in finance and comfortable lifestyle to travel the world relying only on the kindness of strangers. Not only does he accept acts of kindness from strangers, but he also chooses people to receive his life-changing gifts of kindness. We look forward to tracking Leon’s journey around the world beginning at his home in Hollywood, California. Each week we will enjoy a new part of Leon’s adventure! We will be writing summaries of Leon’s journey each week, and will learn valuable lessons in caring, happiness, geography and culture. Thank you Leon!


In science, we are finishing up our unit on space. We have examined the solar system, natural and artificial satellites, seasons, contributors to space exploration, as well as past and future space exploration. Students have been introduced to the culminating task in space, which is posted on this blog as well as the Google Classroom. We will be holding our “Space Science Fair” in class on Wednesday, February 12th. After this, we will begin a unit on Flight. I’m looking forward to March 5, when Scientist Brian from Cosmic Connections (a space and flight expert) will be coming to our school to run workshops on both space and flight! More information to come!

Social Studies

We are just finishing our unit on Heritage Identity: Communities in Canada Past and Present. We examined the experiences of many different immigrant groups as they integrated into Canadian society. Next week, students will have time to finish up their inquiry projects and share their research with the class. Each student in our class has chosen an immigrant group and examined the reasons that they had for coming to Canada and their experience upon arrival. Next, we will look at Canada’s relationships with the global community.

February will be a very busy but fun month! We will begin many new units with the start of term two.

Thanks again for all of your continued support!

Mrs. Strampel

Happy New Year!

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday! I’m looking forward to 2020!

Below, you will find a short summary of what we will be working on in the first week of January!


In the new year, we will start a new class novel, The Breadwinner. This book is a tale of a young girl’s courage while growing up in Afghanistan. It is an interesting story that brings to life many world issues and the heartwarming bravery and kindness of the children and families in everyday life.

We will also be working on MINESING Talks Speeches (based on the TED Talk format). Students will be given a package on the first day back to school with a description of the speech format, learning goals, success criteria, potential speech topics, graphic organizer, and marking scheme. We will have our speech presentations at the end of January. The speech packages are also posted on Google Classroom and in the link below.



We will be having a math test on Monday, January 13, 2020.
The test will be on the following topics:

The Parts of a Fraction
Comparing Fractions with Like Denominators
Comparing Fractions with Unlike Denominators
Finding Equivalent Fractions
Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Relating Fractions to Decimals and Percents
Estimating and Calculating Percents

We have been working on this material in December and didn’t quite have enough time to finish before the Christmas Break. We will finish up this first week back and practice skills with many different problem solving activities and review centres. The Google Slides presentations have been posted on Google Classroom for students to review. There is also a practice test posted on Google Classroom as well as below. We will work through a paper copy of the practice test as well throughout this upcoming week.


After we are finished fractions, we will move on to ratios.


We will continue to work on our Space unit. So far, this has been an interesting and fun unit! We will continue working though this by covering topics on the solar system, satellites, seasons, space exploration, as well as the pros and cons of space travel.

Social Studies

Students will continue to work on their social studies inquiry project. Students have chosen an immigrant group and will be researching their experiences upon their arrival to Canada.

Thanks for your continued help and support! I’m looking forward to a busy and fun January!

Mrs. Strampel 🙂

October Update

October has been a busy and fun-filled month! Please read below to find a quick description on what we have been up to this month in each subject.


In literacy, we have continued to read our class novel, The City of Ember. We have been visualizing, making predictions, inferencing, and making connections to other books. We have also been examining the perspectives of each character. We hope to finish this book by this Thursday, October 31, and watch the movie on Friday, November 1st. This will allow us to make a comparison between the book and the movie. We are looking forward to the first week of November, where we will actually build the City of Ember with a variety of recycled materials. We will link this to our science unit, electricity, by wiring our cities to light up!

In writing, we have continued to work on grammar, capitalization, punctuation and spelling through different writing activities. We have worked on small writing activities, through our class novel, as well as bigger writing projects, such as our Camp Kandalore recounts, and our Spooky (not Scary) Halloween Stories, which are due this Wednesday. Students have been encouraged to edit their own work, and peer edit, before teacher conferencing.


This month, we worked on place value of whole numbers to one million. We compared numbers and ordered them from greatest to least and least to greatest. We focused on the four block problem solving method when solving problems involving greater numbers. We also examined factors and multiples, and differentiated between prime and composite numbers. Currently, we are working on a mini-unit on multiplication, and will have a short quiz on Wednesday. After this, we will move onto a short unit on division, followed by a unit on measurement. On the Google Classroom, students will find many of the lessons we cover in class in slideshow format. Included in the three-part lessons are minds on activities, direct instruction, and a variety of games and hands on activities to further solidify concepts. I will also try my best to post practice tests or quizzes that are very similar in format to the actual quizzes and tests we will write in class.

Social Studies

Currently, we are working with Mrs. Beacom in the library to examine the reasons (economic, political, social, environmental) for different groups immigrating to Canada. We also examine the experiences of different immigrant groups upon their arrival to Canada. Soon, we will begin an inquiry project, where students will have the opportunity to choose a specific group and further explore their experiences upon moving to Canada.


We are currently studying electricity. So far, we have learned about the structure and function of atoms and differences between static and current electricity. In the next few weeks, we will look at the different sources of electricity (fossil fuels, solar, wind, geothermal, hydro, nuclear, etc.), as well as series and parallel circuits. We will also further examine conductors and insulators in electricity. After this, students will have the opportunity to work with copper wire, batteries, and light bulbs to build their own circuits, which they will use to wire and light up the City of Ember that they have created.

As you can see, we have been very, very busy in our class! I’m looking forward to a fantastic November! Please see the link below to our class calendar for November. Students will also bring a copy of the calendar home, and it will be posted on their Google Classroom.

Thank you for your continued support! It is greatly appreciated! I’m looking forward to seeing you for the November conferences!

Mrs Strampel


Multiplication Quiz on Wednesday, October 30

We will be having a short quiz on multiplication on Wednesday, October 30. Topics will include:

Multiplying by powers of 10 (10, 100, 1000)
Multiplying by hundreds (for example 50 x 200)
Using estimation to see if an answer is reasonable
Multiplying using different methods we have covered in class (algorithm, array, box-method, partial products)
Problem solving with multiplication

There is a practice test posted below. Students will also be given a paper copy of the practice test. They can also find the practice test on the Google Classroom, along with many of the lessons/activities that we have (or will do) in class.


Also, our spooky (not scary) Halloween mystery stories are due on October 30 as well. The assignment is attached in the literacy section of this blog, as well as in the Google Classroom.

Spooky (not scary) Halloween Mystery Stories

Beginning this Thursday (October 10), we will be writing Spooky (not scary) Halloween Mystery Stories. We will dedicate many of our literacy periods to working through the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing) a mystery narrative with a Halloween theme. The assignment is attached below with success criteria, rubric, vocabulary list and graphic organizer. There is also an assignment timeline to help students stay on track throughout this process. Students will be introduced to the assignment this Thursday, and handed a paper copy of the assignment. It will also be posted on Google Classroom and under the “Literacy” tab of this blog. Students are welcome to type on the graphic organizer using Google Read and Write, or Google Docs, if this is easier for them.

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this fun, festive assignment!
